ウェブ時代 5つの定理

ウェブ時代 5つの定理―この言葉が未来を切り開く!

ウェブ時代 5つの定理―この言葉が未来を切り開く!



Only the Paranoid Survive. by Andrew Grove

Sooner or later, something fundamental in your business world will change. by Andrew Grove

You have to work with people you like. by Roger McNamee

I'd rather interview 50 peple and not hire anyone than hire the wrong person. Cultures aren't so much planned as they evolve from that early set of people. by Jeff Bezos

The top-level team must be "do"-oriented rather than "management" oriented. by Gordon Bell

Don't politic, use data. by Marissa Mayer

You need a very product-oriented culture. by Steve Jobs

